Wise Thoughts Creative Cultural Hub (CCH)
Wise Thoughts CCH has been established with to help improve the quality of life for marginalised people and local communities.
Wise Thoughts CCH 2013-18 report
Wise Thoughts Creative Cultural Hub (CCH) Blog page – newsletters, updates on : http://wisethoughtsblog.blogspot.co.uk/
The CCH programme, is supported by Big Lottery Fund, Reaching Communities programme and Lloyds TSB Foundation, aims to:
· Creates opportunities for accessing skills building initiatives and information and advice services for local communities, especially those from marginalised groups.
· Develops activities and initiatives that help to challenge stereotypes and marginalisation of LGBT / BAME communities.
· Acts as community advocates and advising statutory and voluntary agencies to help ensure inclusion of LGBT communities, engender behavioural change.
Wise Thoughts CCH ‘#Mover&Shakers #FreeSport supported short movement residency video:
The CCH has 2 delivery strands – ‘artWISE’ and #gayWISE, under which activities and services are offered. Initiatives are primarily targeted for people living, working, socialising or studying in the London Borough of Haringey.
For further information contact: info (at) wisethoughts (dot) org